Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stress & Sleep Management

Stress Management.

Strategies (3As)

o Awareness
o Reading
o Learning
o Training

o Analysis
o Self-eveluation
o Evaluation from others
o Professional Evaluation

o Action
o At the individual level
o Effective Time Management
o Manage academic workload by listing & scheduling “things to do”.
o Prioritize them
o Balance lifestyle.
o Get physical exercise and stretch muscles when possible.
o Eat nutritiously and avoid excessive junk food, caffeine, alcohol, or tobacco.
o Get adequate sleep and rest, especially on longer assignments.
o Use time off for exercise, reading, listening to music,
o Apply stress reduction techniques.
o Reduce physical tension by taking deep breaths, calming self through
o Adopt positive thinking
o If you need some rests, go ahead!

o At a group level
o Do group exercise.
o Discuss your problems with friends.
o Delegate works to group members e.g. obtaining lecture notes for the entire class.
o Help & support each other.
o Develop positive attitudes e.g. celebrate together when you got A in mid-term exam.

o Professional level
o Seek professional help when necessary.
o Avoid taking or buying medication on your own!

Sleep management.

Some Tips :

o During the day:
o Avoid taking nap
o Avoid taking alcohol and caffeine
o Do regular exercise

o Establish regular sleep schedule

o During night
o Do not eat or drink too much before sleep.
o Do not watch TV if plan to fall asleep.
o Maintain clean and comfortable sleep environment.


o Stress is very subjective in nature.
o The best way to manage your stress is by developing self-awareness of your own action or behaviour.
o Stress can give some impact


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